Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to Make Christmas Ornaments With Styrofoam Balls and Fabric

!±8± How to Make Christmas Ornaments With Styrofoam Balls and Fabric

A few years ago I discovered a very simple and fun technique for making beautiful and unique Christmas ornaments. These can be made for presents or for your own tree. You can make them in one afternoon with your kids or friends.

Styrofoam Balls: assortment of sizes, but no bigger than a baseball.
Fabric Squares: assortment of sizes and various types of fabric, try glitzy and velvets.
Bits and Pieces: of ribbon, beads, sequins, buttons, rickrack, costume jewelry, ribbon roses or and anything else you would like to embellish your ornament with.
Hot Glue Gun and Scissors: to cut and glue all of your bits and pieces.
Thread: for tying and tightening
Small Pins and Tacks: to apply ribbon and beads.

Basic Techniques:

Step 1:
Choose a gorgeous square piece of fabric. Place a Styrofoam ball in the center of the square.

Step 2:
Take all four corners and gather them towards the center of the Styrofoam ball (this is also how you can decide which size square works for which size ball).Take your piece of precut thread and tightly wrap it around the gathered area , dab it with a little bit of hot glue so it doesn't unravel.

Step 3:
Now you can decide if you should cut the gathered area of the fabric or leave it. It totally depends on how it looks. If the fabric seems too bulky in that area then you can shear it flat. If you do decide to cut the top portion off then you must cover that area with a ribbon rose or beads.

Step 4:
You must make a loop with ribbon, or beads on a wire, and attach it in the center of the Styrofoam ball with a pin or tack and again a little bit of glue; in the same area where you gathered and cut the fabric. This loop is how you will hang the ornament on the tree.

Step 5:
Now the real fun begins. Start attaching ribbon or beads or buttons; any of the embellishments that you have chosen. You can use little sequin pins or tacks and stick things in through the fabric and into the ball. Always use a small dab of glue; you don't want anything falling off!

When you think your ornament is complete twirl it around and make sure it looks wonderful from all angles. Make sure to cover or hide anything that doesn't look attractive. You can make all different sizes of ornaments. They are quite light and easy to hang.

How to Make Christmas Ornaments With Styrofoam Balls and Fabric

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Decorating with Christmas Lights: The Ultimate Christmas Spirit

!±8± Decorating with Christmas Lights: The Ultimate Christmas Spirit

Christmas would just not be the same without Christmas lights, and they do not have to go just on the tree. An entire holiday theme can be devoted to the use of Christmas lights in all shapes, sizes, and placed in many different locations with different patterns. Create your own decorations using lights, and make your home the talk of the neighborhood and the winner of the "Best Decorations" award every year. Even if you live in an apartment, you can use lights to decorate your windows and if you have a balcony, you can drape lights across the railings as well as around the balcony door.

For those who have a home, do something with the lights besides just place them along the roof. Make a Christmas tree or sleigh on your roof or in your yard using different colored lights. Create a wreath on the top of your roof or in your yard. Instead of buying a wreath for your door, make one using Christmas lights instead.

One can be very creative with the use of Christmas lights, even to the point of creating giant candy canes with red and white lights. Of course, you have to have the model in order to wrap the lights around it, but for the creative and holiday-spirited person, it certainly is better than going to the holiday store and buying something that has already been put together by someone else.

Holiday time if full of joy and happiness for most people, so use your lights to transfer that to the world for a few months. Using a combination of different kinds of lights will set off your home in all its holiday glory - big bulbs, small bulbs, twinkle lights, web lights, chasers, and even tiny white lights all mixed together will create a beauty that is beyond comparison. Scatter the colors rather than using just one color in order to set your home apart from the others.

Decorating with Christmas Lights: The Ultimate Christmas Spirit

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